Welcome back Fashion Friends!

I'm excited to start 2014 by talking about charity and giving back when we are able to.
These are two topics that are very important in our daily lives. While some people talk about "giving back" in our communities some others talk about good karma. How can you go wrong when you're a person who likes to give? In other words there's nothing wrong with supporting people who are socially and economically disadvantaged. What do you think about that? Helping people who don't have the means or people who can't afford a decent meal, isn't that a good thing?
In my line of work, we go way back to the roots. We're helping females in Togo, West Africa by empowering them through artwork. In other words, we are showcasing different talents like handmade clothing, scarves, paintings, carvings, jewelry, etc. In return these women can take care of their families. Did you know that empowerment starts with self-sufficiency? In reality, if you help a woman, she helps her family, if she helps her family then this helps the community. On August 2nd, 2013, on the Late Show with David Letterman, Oprah said: "Investing in a girl is investing in a community". I'm so pleased that Oprah is agreeing with our philosophy. This makes our works at Afri(K)que so worthwhile. We're changing the face of Earth one female at a time and you are too by contributing to this blog! Congratulations on joining our blog in 2014 and we hope to hear from all of you soon! Feel free to drop us a line to let us know how we're doing.
Stay warm and always in fashion!