"If you find it in your heart to be a blessing to others, believe me this will come back to you multiple times. Some people call it karma, others call it luck. I personally call it: blessings." August 6, 2015 from the desk of our Founder.
Wow! How powerful is that, in other words, in your busy lives, please find time for your family, friends and especially find ways to give back to others. We have so much that sometimes we take things for granted and forget that once in a while a small donation to a cause that's worthwhile is good enough!

From this point on we have decided to call all the people who help us through our charity work our "blessings". At Afri(K)que we know the importance of giving a hand to the poor and reaching out to the socially and economically disadvantaged. Please remember to be an Afri(K)que blessing today! $1 goes a long way to feed women who are affected by poverty and give them hope for a better tomorrow!
We're using the arts as a means to fight hunger and poverty and empowering females in the process. Please join us by spreading the word about what we do because we strongly believe that raising awareness is key to ending hunger! Thanks for reading our blog this month!
Fashionably Yours,